Fairfax, VA — The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum, in collaboration with NRA Publications and American Hunter, announces a new initiative on behalf of American hunters. Launched Dec. 28, 2015, the “Hunters’ Leadership Forum” portal at www.AmericanHunter.org contains news and information on hunters’ rights. To draw attention to this portal—and to engage hunters everywhere—American Hunter’s growing Facebook page will spearhead a new social media campaign to provide a voice for millions of American hunters in the culture war waged against hunters.
The NRA-HLF believes the right to hunt belongs to every American. This right is built on the principle of the Public Trust Doctrine that holds wildlife resources in trust for the people as opposed to landowners or governments. Hunting rights make America unique in the world of wildlife and conservation management. More than 20 million American hunters regularly take to our nation’s fields, woods and wetlands to fulfill their integral role in the proper management of the nation’s wildlife.
But this legacy is continually attacked by anti-hunters who use mass media and social media as weapons in a culture war aimed at outlawing hunting.
The social media campaign on American Hunter’s Facebook page provides a greatly enhanced opportunity for millions of American hunters to be heard and influence the conversation in the public domain regarding hunting and wildlife conservation issues. With this tool, shored up by HLF’s portal at www.AmericanHunter.org/HLF, the NRA-HLF will mobilize the personal voices of NRA’s 5 million hunter members and America’s 20 million hunters—we will bring to bear the power of the hunter. This new presence on the Web will provide a means for dialog and instant interaction on current issues impacting the future of hunting. The Web portal is available to every hunter, anytime, free of charge, at www.AmericanHunter.org (click “Hunters’ Leadership Forum”). To join the discussion in the HLF community, be sure to “like” the NRA American Hunter Facebook page.
The NRA-HLF knows hunters are America’s first and foremost wildlife conservationists and the stewards of our rich hunting heritage. Since its inception in 1871, the NRA has been the largest proponent of hunting and wildlife conservation. The NRA uses its political strength to actively preserve and enhance hunting opportunities throughout the United States. This fulfills one of NRA’s five purposes and objectives: “to promote hunter safety, and to promote and defend hunting as a shooting sport and as a viable and necessary method of fostering the propagation, growth, conservation and wise use of our renewable wildlife resources.”
NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum
The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum was established in 2014 with a mission to further enrich and grow NRA’s efforts to promote and defend hunting. Since that time, the forum has brought together dedicated hunters who have distinguished themselves as leaders in their professions, communities and in the field. From their leadership has evolved a goal that calls for HLF to proactively address the rapidly evolving demographic, cultural, political and technological challenges to hunting and wildlife conservation in the 21st century. Visit www.AmericanHunter.org/HLF
American Hunter
The authority on hunting arms and adventure, American Hunter, an Official Journal and a benefit of membership in the NRA, is the largest-circulation pure hunting magazine in the world; its online presence, www.AmericanHunter.org, reaches all hunters everywhere 24 hours a day. Each month, in print and online, AH delivers information and entertainment about: conservation; wildlife management; hunting rights and issue advocacy; the newest hunting guns, ammo, optics and gear; tips and tactics for the field; adventure and personal discovery; and the unique voice that speaks for the legacy of America’s hunting community.
National Rifle Association
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Five million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights for all Americans through its five purposes and objectives: to promote and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen to Keep and Bear Arms; to promote public safety, law and order, and the national defense; to train members of law enforcement, the armed forces, the militia, and people of good repute in marksmanship and in the safe handling and efficient use of small arms; to foster and promote the shooting sports; to promote hunter safety, and to promote and defend hunting as a shooting sport and as a viable and necessary method of fostering the propagation, growth and conservation, and wise use of our renewable wildlife resources. Visit http://nra.org.