How to Zero Your Scope with Two Shots

posted on July 23, 2015

The best distance to put the target is 100 yards. Make sure that the scope is bore sighted so it will at least hit the paper. If in doubt, it helps to have a big backstop like a 4X8 sheet of plywood. Cover this with newspaper or other material.

Always use a shooting bench and sand bags or other appropriate rest.

Set your scope on its highest power. Aim for the center of the target. Carefully fire a shot.

The bullet hole should be on the paper. If not, move the target closer or add more paper to increase the surface area.

Use a ruler to measure straight across from the center of the bullet hole to a vertical line that will intersect the center of the target. Mark this number down. Now measure up or down to the horizontal line that intersects the center of the target and record that number.

Adjust your scope to move the point of impact the distance you measured. If you have quarter-minute adjustments on your scope, you will need to make 4 clicks for each inch of movement at 100 yards.

Fire another shot. It should impact exactly in the center of the target.

If not, repeat the process.


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