Calling all hunters! On Dec. 28, 2015, in collaboration with NRA Publications and American Hunter, the NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum (HLF) announced a new initiative on behalf of American hunters: the launch of the “Hunters’ Leadership Forum” portal at www.AmericanHunter.org. By showcasing news, information and talking points on hunters’ rights, America's 20 million hunters and 5 million NRA members have a new and engaging way to band together and influence the conversation in the public domain on hunting and wildlife conservation. To promote this portal, American Hunter’s Facebook page will spearhead a new social media campaign to promote our collective voices and address the rapidly evolving demographic and the cultural, political and technological challenges facing hunters and the future of wildlife conservation issues in the 21st century.
The NRA HLF believes the right to hunt belongs to every American and is built on the principle of the Public Trust Doctrine that holds wildlife resources in trust for the people—not landowners or governments. Today this all-American legacy is under constant, vicious attack by anti-hunters who prime the mass media and social media pumps in efforts to shut down hunting.
Designed to provide a hunters' forum for dialog and instant interaction, the Web portal is available free of charge by visiting the AmericanHunter.org website and clicking on “Hunters’ Leadership Forum.” To join the discussion in the HLF community, be sure to “like” the NRA American Hunter Facebook page!
For your background, the NRA HLF was launched in 2014 with a mission to further enrich and grow NRA’s efforts to promote and defend hunting, fulfilling one of NRA’s five purposes and objectives: “to promote hunter safety, and to promote and defend hunting as a shooting sport and as a viable and necessary method of fostering the propagation, growth, conservation and wise use of our renewable wildlife resources.” The HLF has brought together dedicated hunters who have distinguished themselves as leaders in their professions, communities and in the field as we hunters go on the offense and work together to save hunting's future.