At SHOT Show 2016, Weatherby premiered its new Vanguard Camilla, a rifle designed exclusively with the huntress in mind. The company's mission, from the start, was to craft a rifle that was designed from the ground up for women, by women—and not to just make a smaller, pinker version of a standard Vanguard. The result is the Camilla.
The rifle's name is steeped in the company's history—the original Camilla was the wife of company founder Roy Weatherby.
"Naming the rifle was just as unique as the design and development process," says Women of Weatherby's, Brenda Weatherby. "We conducted an on-line contest and the #1 name was 'Camilla', the wife of our founder, Roy Weatherby. We couldn't have come up with a better way to honor the First Lady of Weatherby."
To honor Camilla—and huntresses everywhere—the company rolled out a tribute video discussing the rifle's beginnings, just in time for Mother's Day 2016. It is embedded above.
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