By all accounts, Clyde Roberts of Evington, Virginia, with 104 years under his belt, is the oldest active hunter in the country. According to The Roanoke Times, he has already taken three deer during the 2017 season—an accomplishment any hunter, regardless of age, should be proud of.
While most assume Roberts is a lifelong hunter who can’t seem to take himself out of the woods he’s always loved, the truth is that Roberts is a late bloomer when it comes to hunting, having begun his journey after retirement at the age of 65. According to OutdoorHub, Roberts began his hunting career 40 years ago as a way to pass the extra time retirement afforded him, and with a rifle purchased by his son Mike, Roberts has failed to notch his tag only once, after an injury in his early 90s kept him out of the woods.
As if his age alone doesn’t set him apart, Roberts tagged three deer—two does and a very respectable 8-point buck— during the 2017 Virginia season; a feat, according to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, only 6 percent of the state’s hunters accomplish. On his latest hunt, with his son Mike by his side, Roberts was loaded for bear holding a .270 when a few does appeared. When Clyde spotted a buck, Mike grunted to stop him, and the .270 echoed through the wood, cartwheeling the big 8-pointer.
Congratulations to Clyde Roberts on another successful season, and best wishes in the seasons to come. His recent 8-pointer marks the 11th deer he has taken since turning 100 years of age!