Hornady's Precision Hunter line was already due to expand in 2017, with the addition of .270 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington, .280 Remington, .300 Winchester Short Magnum and .300 Weatherby Magnum. But, thanks to the skyrocketing interest in 6mm Creedmoor, the folks from Grand Island, Neb., are adding it to the line, too.
Topped with the newly designed 6mm 103-grain ELD-X bullet, the new Precision Hunter Offering is capable of delivering a muzzle velocity of 3050 fps. The new 6mm Creedmoor features a streamlined secant ogive with a boattail design and a highly concentric AMP bullet jacket. The Heat Shield tip has been verified by Doppler radar to defy the effects of aerodynamic heating and retain its shape to maintain highest in class ballistic coefficient over its entire trajectory.
The 6mm 103-grain ELD-X Precision Hunter load is ideal for hunting deer, antelope and other medium-sized game. Its long bullet is designed for 1:8 twist barrels and is also available as a component bullet for handloaders.
6mm Creedmoor Precision Hunter will be available soon.
For more information, go to Hornady.com.