Hunting with handguns has been done by many, but few have the expertise under their belt like Max Prasac, who has decades of experience and has authored two other books on revolvers. In the Gun Digest Book of Hunting Revolvers, Prasac delivers an abundance of information on the sport while providing a fresh take on the modern-day practice.
The book itself is broken down into concise, yet detailed, chapters that cover three main concepts of handgun hunting. The first of these takes a look at the principles of hunting with handguns, including terminal ballistics of countless loads and some of the pros and cons of the plethora of options to consider when selecting a hunting revolver. The second delves into the equipment necessary for handgun hunting and explores items such as holsters, sights, bullets and ammunition selection. The book finishes by detailing the various capabilities of several caliber offerings available from a vast selection of makes and models in different sized frames, ranging from .35 calibers all the way up to the biggest of the big-bore .50 calibers, as well as a few various mentions of other options, like .22-caliber wheel guns, scattered throughout.
Aside from being extremely educational, Prasac’s writing includes several personal insights to help handgun hunters make the most informed decisions possible in regards to their hunts and their firearm selections. Several stories and pictures are found throughout detailing the use of revolvers in hunting camps spanning the globe, from the American north for bears, down in South America for buffalo and even African dangerous game. For those looking to get into the sport of handgun hunting, or for the seasoned pistolero, this book is as much an invaluable resource as it is an entertaining read.
• MSRP: $25.49
• Pages: 256
• Availability: Paperback, GunDigestStore.com.