"I had been putting in for a limited draw permit for this area (Ketchikan 005) for about ten years," said Rosey Roseland. "The area is known for its big goats and is fairly close to my home, POW Island. I was after a mature billy, so my wife and I scouted the area in July. On Oct. 2, my friend from Montana, Matt Anderson and I backpacked into the area. Through the rain and fog, we spotted this goat bedded down and I could see that he had very big bases. Good enough, I decided. I was concentrating so hard on my stalk and my 20-yard shot, that I hardly looked at his horns. When we walked up on him, we knew he was big, but not world record big."

Said Eli Randall, records director for the Pope & Young Club, "World record size animals are a testament to the success of the North American model of wildlife conservation, and are a credit to science-based conservation programs across North America. Congratulations to Rosey Roseland on harvesting this outstanding rocky mountain goat."
The animal will be available to view at the Pope & Young Annual Convention March 26-28 in Chantilly, VA, as part of the Bass Pro/Cabela's Trophy Tower—the largest display of world record, North American, bow-harvested, big-game animals ever assembled. For convention information, check out pope-young.org/convention/default.asp.