In a prescient move, though the full scale of its importance could not have been fully grasped at the time, Radians added the N95 respirator to its PPE portfolio in 2018. “We knew that adding N95 respirators to our portfolio was important,” said Radians president, Bill England, “but with the COVID-19 pandemic, they have become a critical PPE item to help protect those with the highest risk of exposure. We’re happy that Radians is able to make this donation in our hometown, which has a very large medical community including St. Jude, Le Bonheur and UT Medical.” For more information on the company and their efforts, check out radians.com.
Additional Reading:
Firearm Industry Federally Designated Part of Critical Infrastructure
Federal Donates N95 Masks to Minnesota Hospitals
Remington Offers Facility in Illion NY to Help State Fight COVID-19
Ammo Shortage Survival Guide
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