It's one thing to get caught with your hand in the cookie jar—your head is a different matter entirely. That's what happened to one curious bear cub in New Jersey last week, according to CBS News.
According to reports, State Environmental Protection officials were called to Ringwood, New Jersey, to assist a cub that had apparently gotten its head stuck in a plastic food container and then retreated up a tree in its panic. The young bear, which officials estimated to be about 6 months old, was tranquilized and brought to the ground, where authorities removed the jar from its head.
In a fit of irony, the plastic container the cub had been rummaging through was once a jar of the popular kids' snack, Animal Crackers. After removing the container, rescuers turned the dehydrated bear over to an animal rehabilitation specialist, who expects the cub to make a full recovery.
The most creative headline I've seen regarding the incident? "Oh, Pooh: Bear Cub Gets Head Stuck in Cookie Jar." Well done.
You can see photos of the incident, and learn a bit more about how state officials handled it, in the video embedded below.