A Louisiana man and his son were given a first-hand look at how unpredictable a wounded animal can be earlier this week, when they were attacked by a buck they'd been hunting, as reported by KPLC.
According to the report, Chad Hebert had taken his son Gavin out on a whitetail hunt, and things were shaping up nicely. Hebert had just watched Gavin shoot a nearby buck—and it was then that things started to go awry. Rather than collapsing or taking off into the woods, the deer turned and charged Hebert.
Hebert said that the whitetail offered a few grunts and snorts before coming right at him. He and the buck went to the ground, and Hebert told KPLC that he was sure that the deer was going to do serious damage.
Fortunately for him, Gavin didn't remain idle. While his father grappled with the animal, Gavin managed to get a clean cut in with his knife, prompting the whitetail to finally try to hightail it out of there. It collapsed a few yards from the father and son duo. Neither hunter reported an injury.