There's wildlife footage, and then there's that kind of wildlife footage, the kind that stands out from the pack. Brad Josephs, who was using a GoPro camera to capture wild bear footage for BBC, recorded some of the latter kind recently, according to a report from CBS.
Josephs had the small, portable camera set up in the wilds of Alaska when he captured the footage you see below. In it, a pair of grizzlies approach the camera, nudge at it curiously... and then one of them tries to pick the camera up in its mouth.
I don't know if I'd say the bear was trying to eat the camera, since it didn't seem any worse for the wear. It seems to me that the animal was just trying to figure out exactly what the little silver box that had invaded its environment was.
That said, it's some pretty neat footage—let's just say a dentist would be proud. Get a look for yourself with the embedded video below.