The winner of the 2014 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest has been announced: Next year's stamp (available June 2015) will feature a striking pair of ruddy ducks by New York artist Jennifer Miller. On September 20, Miller's acrylic painting was judged the best of 186 entries--all of which are incredible and available for viewing here. Eligible species for this year's contest were the ruddy duck, Canada goose, brant, red-breasted merganser and northern shoveler.
According to Miller's Featherdust Studios website, she is "mostly self-taught, with no formal art education, and studied under the guidance of the natural world."
Congratulations to her on this momentous achievement.
Here are this year's top three paintings:
1st Place
Jennifer Miller Olean, New York Ruddy Ducks -- Acrylic
2nd Place
Ron Louque Charlottesville, Virginia Red-Breasted Merganser -- Acrylic
3rd Place
Frank Mittelstadt Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Canada Goose -- Acrylic