When turkey-gun specific optics were first introduced, a lot of folks scoffed. Who needs a scope on their shotgun? A couple decades later, though, the tune is changing. Though there are certainly still a few holdouts—and power to them, by all means—many hunters have found that, with a scope, they simply miss fewer turkeys. Readily available—and affordable—long-range turkey shotshells have played a role, as well.
Among more well known turkey-specific scopes on the market is the KASPA1-4x24mm from Weaver Optics. Here are five things you need to know.
1. It's available in Mossy Oak Obsession Camouflage
Turkeys live and die on their eyesight, and we tend to shoot them at a fairly close range. It wouldn't hurt to have a scope that's well suited to disappearing into the brush alongside you and your shotgun. As such, the KASPA line has models available in Mossy Oak's Obsession. See the lead image above.
2. It's shotgun-ready.
You can't really just throw any old optic on your scattergun, no matter how you've built your rig. The Weaver KASPA in question has a 24mm objective, specifically so that it can be mounted low on a shotgun.
3. It features a Vertical Zone Reticle.
A new feature that originally launched with the line, the Vertical Zone Reticle features a straight-sided, slot shape that's designed to naturally settle the center crosshair on the point in the middle of a turkey's neck. The top of the slots aligns with the top of the turkey's head, and the bottom of the slots cover down to where the skin meets the feathers. In essence, you're covering the entirety of the kill zone.
4. It has its own checks and balances.
The two oval slots of the VZT reticle are designed to provide references for 20 and 40 yards at maximum magnification. At close range, the top of the turkey's head to the base of the neck will fit inside the larger outer slot. At long range, the top of the turkey's head to the base of its neck will fit inside the smaller, inner slot.
5. It's affordable.
As optics go, it's relatively budget-friendly. Though the KASPA turkey scope ships with an MSRP of $298.45, we've found new being sold for considerably less than that. Put in some due diligence and you can have a quality turkey scope at a price that'll suit any palate.