Advanced Munitions International LLC Announces $553.6 Million Expansion In Tennessee

posted on October 23, 2015

Advanced Munitions International LLC (AMI) has announced that it is investing $553.6 million to build a global headquarters and state-of-the-art munitions manufacturing facility in Alcoa, Tennessee. The new facility is expected to create over 600 jobs.

Company founder and executive chairman Jim Antich was joined by company president and CEO Mark Kresser, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Economic and Community Development Commissioner Randy Boyd in making the announcement earlier this week.

“I want to thank AMI for their substantial investment in Tennessee and for the more than 600 jobs they will create in Blount County,” Haslam said. “This is an industry leader creating jobs that require a highly skilled workforce, as we continue toward our goal of becoming the No. 1 location in the Southeast for high-quality jobs.” 

Advanced Munitions International LLC, formally known as Advanced Tactical Armament Concepts (ATAC), will manufacture products for the following brands: BlackOps, Emcon and HPR Ammunition. The company expects to break ground on the 300,000-square foot facility by spring 2016. It is to be located on a 235-acre site in Alcoa’s Partnership Park. AMI plans to open in the fourth quarter of 2018 with company executives citing the proximity and resources of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a deciding factor in choosing Tennessee as home for their manufacturing, distribution and R&D operations. 

“When we looked nationally for a site to build this facility, Tennessee stood out as a place with leaders that understand and support strong business growth,” Antich said. “Having a resource like Oak Ridge National Laboratory nearby also attracted us to Tennessee and Blount County. We are looking forward to a long relationship with Tennessee and to working with our new neighbors.” 

AMI’s Alcoa plant will hire primarily chemists and engineers with backgrounds in metallurgy, engineering, physics and energetics technology.

“The East Tennessee region has terrific resources for companies that need access to institutions with R&D to commercialize and employees with high-tech skills,” Boyd said. “Tennessee has a long history of manufacturing excellence that fits perfectly with AMI’s needs. I want to thank AMI for choosing Tennessee and for the jobs they will create.”


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