Earlier today, a friend of mine passed along a video that he'd come across in his daily web prowling. In it, a group of pro golfers try their best to bust a clay target with something a little less practical than a shotgun: one of their clubs and a golf ball. The video itself had originally been posted a few years ago, but had popped up again last week.
In the video, which is embedded below and served as an advertisement for the European Tour, the athletes in question seem to spend a fair amount of time trying everything they can to put their ball on target. Finally, one succeeds, and a celebration ensues. The camera angle makes it somewhat difficult to determine if the results are legitimate, so I wanted to share it with you, the Wilder World Outdoors readers.
Check it out:
The video—and the ensuing skepticism—are very much akin to the response that a very similar incident from a few years back. In the video I've embedded below, Joe Flacco, quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens, appears to break a clay with a rather nice looking pass. How many takes the shot took isn't mentioned, and plenty of folks questioned its legitimacy from the get-go. After all, these things are designed for one purpose: to go viral. They don't necessarily have to be legitimate, if they don't want to.
When it's all said and done, I have no real reason to question either. Do you? What do y'all think? Should we put the BullShooters on the case? Who wouldn't like to see a video of Jeff Johnston or Keith Wood trying their darnedest to bust clays with a football, or a stroke of their pitching wedge? I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, debate the videos among yourselves in the comments section provided below.