Teal Early Season Pack
The early season pack includes both Green-winged and Blue-winged Teal with early plumage, great for first fall hunts and hardcore teal hunters. Each decoy measures 10 inches from breast to tail, and the pack includes a Blue-winged swimmer, a Green-winged swimmer, two Green-winged feeders and two Blue-winged feeders.
Blue-winged Teal Pack
Blue-winged Teal decoys come in two different head positions, feeder and low head, to mimic a feeding flock of Blue-winged Teal. This species-based six-pack caters to hunters targeting Blue-winged Teal and includes four drakes and two hens. Each decoy measures 10 inches from breast to tail.
Green-winged Teal Pack
This pack is identical to the Blue-winged Pack, except with Green-winged decoys. It includes two feeder drakes, two low-head drakes, a feeder hen and a low-head hen.
For more information on any of these decoy packs, please visit avian-x.com. MSRP: $59.99