Exciting news is in from Barnes Bullets, which just announced a line of factory loaded ammo bearing some of the company's most popular projectiles. Barnes VOR-TX ammunition will be available for retail customers later this summer, according to the company. The initial plan is to offer 15 different loads ranging from .223 Rem. to .338 Win. Mag. featuring the Triple-Shock X-Bullet (TSX), the Tipped Triple Shock (TTSX) and the Triple-Shock Flatnose (TSX FN).
This strategic move certainly makes sense in light of Barnes' acquisition in January by the Freedom Group-owner of Remington-and early on, the new ammo will be manufactured at the Remington plant in Lonoke, Ark. Ultimately, says Barnes spokeswoman Jessica Brooks, production will be brought into Barnes' new facility in Utah and will be handled with the same stringent quality control that has earned the company's bullets such a devoted following among hunters and tactical shooters.
Barnes' many fans are sure to welcome this move. The company's ground-breaking all-copper X-Bullet rewrote the book on penetration, energy transfer and tissue disruption, and in so doing has expanded shooters' caliber options and long-range effectiveness. Now come factory loads built the Barnes way.
Listed below is the first group of loadings the company expects to have for sale in time for the fall hunting season.
• .223 Rem.-55-grain TSX
• .243 Win.-80-grain Tipped TSX
• .270 Win.-130-grain Tipped TSX
• 7mm Rem. Mag.-140-grain Tipped TSX
• 7mm Rem. Mag.-160-grain TSX
• .30-30 Win.-150-grain TSX FN
• .30-06 Sprg.-150- and 180-grain Tipped TSX
• .308 Win.-150- and 168-grain Tipped TSX
• .300 Win. Mag.-165- and 180-grain Tipped TSX
• .300 WSM-165-grain Tipped TSX
• .300 RUM-180-grain Tipped TSX
• .338 Win. Mag.-225-grain Tipped TSX