Dogs running bears up a tree isn't anything new—but seeing a bear get run off by a bulldog (or two) isn't a common sight. That's what appears to happen in a video that's been making its rounds on the web this week.
Purportedly filmed in New Hampshire, the video shows a black bear wandering into someone's backyard, with a keen interest in the bird feeder hanging from a nearby tree. The bear pauses during its approach and looks off screen, which certainly seems to indicate that it knows it's not alone. Not long after the bruin stands up to enjoy its little snack, a pair of bulldogs come sprinting into frame, and the confrontation begins.
For the record, the camera this was filmed on seems like it was a remote setup, which is a plus. It'd be flabbergasting for someone to have actually let the dogs confront the bear.
Anyway, it quickly becomes apparent that none of the three animals are quite sure what to do, once the showdown starts. One of the dogs even goes in for the ol' butt sniff. After a tense few moments where the bear seems to be deciding between fight or flight, it turns and sprints back towards the woods—crisis averted.
All told, it's not uncommon for house pets to run bruins off. Cats have done it, too. That said, it's more ill-advised than "brave," or "courageous," as the video titles suggest. Bears have been known to attack just as easily. Fortunately, this wasn't one of those times, and instead we got a relatively entertaining little video.
See it all play out for yourself with the video embedded below.