Bookshelf: The Deep State Revolution

posted on September 4, 2021

An action hero based out of N.Y.C. who works in D.C? Surely this is another Hollywood fantasy, a la John McClane in “DieHard” showing up on a plane with a loaded firearm, who has gun-savvy readers sputtering angrily at unrealistic scenarios that would get the average Joe thrown in jail, right? Not when it’s a world carefully crafted by New York Times best-selling author Frank Miniter, editor in chief of the NRA’s America’s 1st Freedom and a writer who knows his way around the firearm world in a manner completely alien to most of the Hollywood crowd.

Miniter’s Sid McDaniel is a cross between James Bond, Jason Bourne and Raymond Reddington, with a touch of Jerry Miculek thrown in. He’s comfortable moving between the worlds of high-stakes corporate espionage and fast-paced D.C. wheeling and dealing, smart enough to keep himself safe and savvy enough to keep enemies squabbling amongst themselves while he gleans the information he needs. He knows his way around firearms, too—and Miniter is a stickler for getting details correct, something often lacking in thrillers more concerned with the movie rights than gun rights.

McDaniel finds himself smack dab in the middle of a growing political scandal, with political opponents of a sitting president scrambling to cover his tracks and find a suitable patsy—and that patsy isn’t going to be McDaniel. Many of the themes will be hauntingly familiar to those who follow current-day politics, although those who favor historical dirty tricks will find a world to rival the Kingfish himself or the ruthlessness of Boss Tweed.

Does McDaniel get ground under the dirty wheels of the political engine, or will his network of friends and confidants help him escape unscathed? Read it for yourself in Miniter’s latest: The Deep State Revolution.

 MSRP: $17 paperback, $9.99 kindle
• Pages: 208
• Availability: Permuted Press; find it wherever books are sold


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