There's no denying that the Savage A17 has been popular since its release last year. Heck, it's still the single most-searched firearm on AmericanHunter.org. So it's no surprise that we're starting to see after-market accessories for the little .17 HMR semi-auto. First among them is the new 25-round magazine from Butler Creek.
The new Savage Arms approved magazines allow users to spend more time behind the rifle and less time reloading it. The 25-round mags can be loaded traditionally, or by using a loading assist lever on the side. They feature a stainless steel spring and an all metal header and feed lips. A round count indicator will let users know when ammo is running low.
Here's a fun feature: Two magazines can be clipped together for even more uninterrupted trigger time.
“We are thrilled to have worked with Savage Arms to best optimize this product,” said Curtis Smith, Butler Creek Product Director. “This is a quality accessory every A17 user should own.”
For more information, go to ButlerCreek.com.