My friends, the greatest time of year is upon us: Dove season has opened across the country! One of the things I look forward to most about the unofficial start of fall is the chance to munch ondoves, but I must confess: I cheat. You see, I wrap my doves in bacon. It's impossible to screw up and always results in nugget-sized morsels of concentrated deliciousness.
According to HuntFishCook, however, at least I'm not alone. A whopping 60-percent of respondents to a HuntFishCook dove recipe survey admit to bacon-wrapping. Check out the results and the dove-preparation tips.
Of course, to enjoy bacon-wrapped doves you have to go dove hunting. I didn't make it out for today's opener, but tomorrow will find me ina sunflower patch on Maryland's Eastern Shore with a box or two of 7 1/2's. Happy dove season, folks!