You're not going to get anywhere without a good call or two, and the folks atDead End Game Calls offer some of the best. Pictured here you see the Work Zone Slate Call, two of the company's mouth calls and the Caution Zone Locator Call. The Work Zone Slate Call is one of Dead End's many friction calls, and is an affordable and reliable friction call option. The company also offers a Work Zone Glass Call, and offers its higher-quality Roadblock line in slate, glass and aluminum. The Shipwreck is a versatile three-reed mouth call that's designed to be perfect for fly downs, cutting and yelping. The Batwing 2 is designed exclusively for soft calling, and is perfect when you're producing clucks, purrs and soft yelps over those last few yards before the shot. TheCaution Zone Locator Call simulates a crow call with intense volume, and is a sure way to spook the nearest long beard into shock gobbling. It can also make for a handy crow call on its own, if you're in a region where crow hunting is an option.