While the year is not yet quite out, Hornady already has its sights set on 2023, and has announced some exciting things to come after the end of December. Chief among those for hunters are offerings in the new 7mm PRC chambering.
The next step for 7mm magnums, 7mm PRC boasts heavy, low-drag bullets for consistent long-range performance. Propellants used are all temperature stable and boast magnum velocities, for added consistency and barrel life. Even better, while the chambering is available in factory rifles, barrels can be swapped on 7mm Remington Magnum or .300 Winchester Magnum rifles to run 7mm PRC.
Hornady will be offering this exciting new chambering in Outfitter, with a 160-grain CX bullet; Match, with a 180-grain ELD Match Bullet; Precision Hunter, with a 175-grain ELD-X bullet; or Subsonic, with a 255-grain subsonic bullet. For those who prefer to roll their own, Hornady is also offering the full gamut of reloading components for 7mm PRC, including cases; shell holders; shell plates; cartridge gauges; die sets; full-length die sets; match-grade die sets; and match-grade full-length die sets.
For more information, visit hornady.com.