To call this monster revolver a handgun is remarkably like stating that a crew-cab Ford F-350 makes a great run-around car. With the addition of wheels, this .500 Linebaugh firearm would make an admirable cannon. But despite its magnum size and weight, this wheel gun sits well in the hand, and it sure does make a person feel authoritative.
BFR stands for “Biggest Finest Revolver,” and I don’t believe I’m inclined to argue with that assertion. This is a well-made handgun. Fit and finish are very good, and while I can’t in good conscience call it graceful, it is well balanced and brawny. This new model features a Bisley grip, brushed stainless-steel construction, a 5-shot cylinder, and a 7½-inch stress-relieved barrel. The front sight is fixed and the rear is adjustable, and the frame top strap is drilled and tapped for Weaver-style scope mounts. Total weight on this hand-cannon is 3½ pounds.
Chambered in the manly .500 Linebaugh, it’s adequate for hunting everything from mouse to moose, and is even potent enough for Brown and Grizzly bears. It’s made in the USA, and MSRP comes in around $1,635. For more information visit magnumresearch.com.