Nosler Inc. has announced its new SR-30K suppressor. Based on Nosler’s SR-30AlTi, which features an aluminum and titanium construction for the lightest possible weight, the SR-30K strikes a balance between overall length and noise reduction.
The SR-30 K—more popularly referred to as a K-Can—was designed with hunters in mind. The K-Can—derived from the German word “Kurtz,” meaning “short"—is two-inches shorter and two-ounces lighter than the SR-30AlTi, employing a proprietary baffle stack design for maximum performance in a minimalist package.
At less than six inches in overall length and 7.2 ounces in weight, the K-Can is a pleasure to carry, and is easier to maneuver than a full-size suppressor when mounted, making it perfect for a treestand, blind or on longer rifles. The lightweight, diminutive footprint provides nimble handling characteristics and offhand balance.
The K-Can incorporates the same attachment system as the rest of the Nosler suppressor line, and can be mounted either over a brake or direct-threaded to the muzzle with the use of the included adaptor.
For more information about the K-Can, or any other Nosler products, visit nosler.com. MSRP: $729