Though it may certainly work between friends, you typically don't see much bartering in the retail world nowadays. That didn't deter one Florida man, however, who found himself charged with a misdemeanor after allegedly trying to broker a trade for a 12-pack of beer. His offer? A live alligator.
According to reports, 64-year-old Fernando Caignet Aguilera was cited after trying to trade an alligator that he had apparently captured for a few brewskis at the Santa Ana Market in Miami. Aguilera presented the gator to the store clerk, who declined the offer (tempting though I'm "sure" it was...) and called the authorities.
Responding officers cited our traveling gator salesman with taking possession of and selling an alligator. That's a second-degree misdemeanor in Florida, and could leave Aguilera facing up to six months in jail and a $500 fine.
The gator, meanwhile, was ultimately re-released into the wild by the Fish and Wildlife officers. It measured 4-feet-long, and had originally been trapped by Aguilera in a nearby park. Photos can be seen here.
And no, sadly the report did not offer any insight as to what kind of 12-pack Aguilera was hoping to pick up for his catch. What kind of price tag are you putting on a 4-foot gator? Budweiser? The High Life? Pabst Blue Ribbon? You can't go wrong with PBR...