Few things look as appetizing on a plate as ribs, and they can make for great finger foods during Sunday afternoons in the fall and winter. Got any moose leftover? Then give this recipe from the NRA Members' Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition a shot. And don't be afraid to try it out on deer, caribou and other smaller game, too!
Duck Delight
The following recipe is taken directly from the NRA Members' Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition. To buy your very own copy of the cookbook, visit the NRA Program Materials Center.
• 3 pounds moose ribs, fat trimmed
• 3 cloves garlic, chopped
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 1 quart apple juice
• 1½ to 2 bottles Kraft hickory smoked barbecue sauce
• water
Method No. 1: Pressure cook moose ribs according to cooker directions. Time is usually one hour for moose ribs, less for smaller game. Put first four ingredients in cooker with as much water as needed to cover. When cooking time is complete and pressure has been bled according to cooker instructions, place ribs in a large flat roasting pan, and coat each with barbecue sauce. Roast in a pre-heated 400-degree oven for 20 minutes.
Method No. 2: If you don't have or don't care to use a pressure cooker, place ribs in a large deep pot, with garlic, salt, apple juice and as much water as is needed to cover. Simmer for three and one half hours (or until tender). Remove ribs to roasting pan, cover with barbecue sauce and roast 20 minutes at 400 degrees. This is especially good for moose, and fine also for caribou, deer and sheep. Everyone likes moose ribs cooked this way at the lodge.
Originally Submitted By:
Donna Braendel
Chickaloon, Alaska