You don’t have to be a gun crank to like GunBroker.com, but it sure helps.
The one and only item I’ve ever bought through GunBroker.com was a Walther PPK/S. The process was simple. Heck, once the bidding ended, and seller and buyer were connected, I learned the Oklahoma seller was an NRA Life member and American Rifleman reader. To say he was happy to help get this buyer’s purchase to Virginia is an understatement.
That was back in 2003. Ever since, I’ve enjoyed browsing GunBroker.com because, well, I’m a gun crank. It’s fun to window shop when every item you see is accompanied by a gasp and, usually, something like, “Geez, there’s another one I’ll never own,” like the pre-'64 Winchester Model 70 in .375 H&H Mag. above. Folks, like most of you, I don’t have the money to buy everything that catches my fancy.
Anyway, now I’ve got a simple excuse to browse more, if not buy more.
GunBroker.com recently released an iOS app for iPhone. With it, not only can gun cranks like us browse firearms for sale, but bid and buy on the go. With customization available in the app, users also can set up push notifications to notify them of auctions that are closing or items they save in their search lists. The iOS app joins GunBroker.com’s Android app and mobile website. I just downloaded the iPhone version, and I can already envision what I’ll be doing during long layovers in airports. Beats watching CNN, which seems to be the only cable news outlet any airport in the country runs on TVs in terminals.
GunBroker.com was established in 1999, and today, according to the site, it is the world’s largest gun-auction website. Like I said, you don’t have to be a gun crank to find something you like. Besides firearms, one can find ammo, knives and swords, survival gear, militaria, books and more for sale. Join GunBroker.com, and you can become a seller or buyer. Users can even find a federal firearm licensee (FFL) with the app by merely typing in a ZIP code.