As turkey seasons begin to wind down across the country, we always love to take a quick gander at gungenius.com (powered by Gun Broker), to see what the top-selling shotguns were toward seasons' end. Clearly, the correlation between these numbers and the season at hand is far from causal. There are far more shotgun purchasers than there are turkey hunters, and even for those who fall into both camps, the purchase could have been entirely unrelated to mid-season gear tweaks. Not to mention, quite a few of the guns below are wholly unsuited to the pursuit. Nonetheless, it can be fun to speculate. Here are the top shotguns sold in the United States in the month of May, broken down by category. A few of these have even been recent features of our SundayGunday video series (and at least one is upcoming). See how many you can pick out from the list below.

Semi-Automatic Shotguns
1. Mossberg 930
2. GForce Arms GF99
3. Benelli M4 Tactical
4. Beretta 1301
5. Mossberg 940 JM Pro

Pump-Action Shotguns
1. Mossberg 590 Shockwave
2. Mossberg Maverick 88
3. Mossberg 500
4. KelTec KSG
5. EAA Akkar

Single-Shot Shotguns
1. Savage Arms 301
2. Rossie Single Shot
3. Connecticut Valley Arms Scout
4. Henry Repeating Arms Single Shot Shotgun
5. Rossi Tuffy

Over-Under Shotguns
1. Mossberg Silver Reserve II
2. Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon 1
3. Browning Citori
4. Winchester 101
5. Savage Arms 555

Side-by-Side Shotguns
1. Stoeger Coach Gun
2. CZ-USA Bobwhite
3. CZ-USA Hammer Coach
4. TriStar Arms Bristol
5. Century Arms JW-2000 Coach