The Internet Rumor: I saw a post on Facebook recently that rather disgustingly illustrates that the Illinois State Police recommend that women vomit on attackers to thwart would-be rapists. While Illinois is the only state in the Union that does not have any type of concealed carry options for law abiding citizens, I figured that this was just another urban internet legend. So I researched it.
The Google Research: It took me 25 seconds to find the official Illinois State Police website where I found the evidence. It also suggests that women carry such crime fighting tools as nail files or a teasing brush.
Terrific, Illinois State Police and Congress. Thanks for the help.
The Awful Scenario: Large, drug-influenced, hardened criminal intent on rape spies his victim in a shadowy parking lot and subdues her with a crushing hand around the neck.
The women gasps: "Stop, Mr. Bad Man, lest I wallop you with this teasing brush and puke on you!"
The Conclusion: The Internet rumor is true. Illinois State Police recommend that women try to talk their way out of a rape, and if that doesn't work, vomit on the attacker, rather than use the tool that is the ultimate equalizer, and the one thing that interviewed prison inmates have stated they truly fear: The citizen armed with a firearm.