IMR Legendary Powders, a subsidiary of Hodgdon Powder Company, has announced a product safety warning and recall notice for IMR 4007SSC on six lot numbers. IMR has received reports that the powder in question, shipped in one- and eight-pound containers, may have become unstable due to possible rapid deterioration.
As such, use of the product from the identified lot numbers could result in spontaneous combustion, fire damage or serious injury.
Lot numbers can be identified by examining the label on your IMR container. Any container featuring one of the following lot numbers could be dangerous to use.
• 10130139
• 10131139
• 10429139
• 10430139
• 80425139
• 80426139
If you're the owner of a container from one of the above lots, IMR asks that you do the following:
1. Stop using the product immediately, and fill the powder container with water. This will render the product inert and safe for disposal.
2. Mail, email or fax a copy of the powder label showing the number to the company. Contact information can be found here.
3. If you've already loaded the powder into ammunition, pull the bullets, remove the powder and wet it for safe disposal.
Customers who have purchased the potentially defective powder will be offered a replacement of their choice of any other IMR smokeless powder product. The replacement will be shipped to customers at no charge.
For more information, go to IMRPowder.com or call 1-800-622-4366.