The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is investigating a fatal hunting incident that occurred Sunday night in northern Hardin County.
An Alden man was hunting coyotes with friends on private land approximately two miles north of town. The hunters were separated by several hundred yards when, around 8 p.m., the 53-year old was struck by a single rifle shot. The incident remains under investigation.
The man was transported to Hansen Family Hospital in Iowa Falls, where he was pronounced dead. The State Medical Examiner’s office will be conducting an autopsy as part of the investigation.
On a night hunt for coyotes, hunters generally utilize thermal or night-vision devices to find and eliminate their prey. While this cutting-edge technology has made seeing at night easier than ever before, it can still make identifying targets, what is behind a target, and the locations of hunting partners more difficult to ascertain than it would be in the daylight. As such, it is often advisable to make a plan before hitting the field with friends, or agreeing to remain in static positions. It is also crucial to spend more time considering the backdrop of your target, and who or what could lay beyond, before firing. All that said, it is still unclear what exactly happened in this case and how it could have been avoided, as information about the incident is still forthcoming.
“We stress the importance of identifying your target before taking a shot, and that’s even more important when hunting at night and using thermal technology,” said Captain Matt Bruner, with the Iowa DNR’s Law Enforcement Bureau. “The same can be said about the importance of the hunting plan, especially at night, and following that plan when in the field.”
The Iowa DNR and the Hardin County Sheriff’s office responded to the incident last night and officers were on scene again early Monday morning. For more on the story, check back here or on iowadnr.gov.