Lightweight Rifle Project (Part 5 of 10)

posted on October 3, 2011
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Part 5 of 10

Now that the metal work is complete, it’s time to give us something to hold onto. I love great walnut, but synthetic is the only way to go when you’re looking for the maximum strength-to-weight ratio. There are a few companies that make great synthetics in this category, but Lone Wolf appears to be the lightest on the market. Their Summit XL II is constructed using carbon fiber and weights under a pound bedded to your action.

Like a parent watching his kid go off to school, I hand over my baby to the man in the brown truck. We’re sending everything off to Lone Wolf for them to work their magic. When you buy a Lone Wolf stock, the inletting, bedding and finishing is included—they handle the entire process so that they can control quality. Having your name on something that a "hack" like me got his hands on is a good way to ruin your reputation.


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