Let’s Talk Dollars: Part 9 of 10
We had three goals in this project: weight under 6 pounds scoped, accuracy of 1/2 MOA for three shots and a budget of $2,000.00.
Thanks to some great craftsmen, we essentially accomplished the weight goal. Let’s see how we hard we were on the wallet.
700 Action: Brownells (Sale Price) 369.99
Misc Parts: Brownells 45.99
Bolt Fluting: Kampfeld Customs 75.00
Action Milling: Kampfeld Customs100.00
Skeletonize Bolt Handle: Kampfeld Customs 65.00
Aluminum Trigger Guard: PT&G 25.00
Barrel: Krieger Barrels, Inc.305.00
Stock & Bedding Work: Lone Wolf Riflestocks900.00
Carbon Fiber Upgrade: 125.00
Average Cost to Blueprint Action & Install Barrel:400.00
Total: $2,410.98
OK, big shock: We spent more money than we’d planned (maybe I should be a General Contractor?). I also didn’t factor in the cost of the coating since that isn’t relevant to our weight or accuracy goals.
Building custom rifles is not cheap and never makes sense when you put pencil to paper: You build them because you get exactly what you want. A Kimber Montana at full retail is $1,300.00 and weighs under 5 1/2 pounds, which really is a bargain (especially since no one pays full retail). We spent twice as much to save another few ounces though we did use some premium components that hopefully will help us in the accuracy department.
Used rifles can also bea great option if youknow what you're buying—if you can findsomeone willing to part with a New Ultra Light Arms or Remington 700 Titanium ata fair price, you can't go wrong. The classified sections ofinternet message boards like 24Hourcampfire can be a good source.