Moose Utility Division and Melissa Bachman, host of Winchester Deadly Passion, are teaming up to give away a Moose Utility Battery Charger and Wheel Clock & Strap Kit. The giveaway runs through May, and interested parties can enter for a chance to win at the Moose Utilities website.
"The battery-maintenance charger is something everyone should have – especially if you don't use your ATV or UTV that often. I hear some people are afraid they are over-charging their battery, so they need this kit which gives immediate feedback," said Bachman. "The wheel chock and strap kit makes keeping your ATV or UTV safe on your trailer – it's one less worry when traveling down the road!"
The sweepstakes is eligible to legal residents of the 50 United States, including the District of Columbia, age 18 and older at time of entry. No purchase is necessary. The sweepstakes closes on June 1, 2016.
For more information, go to MooseUtilities.com.