If you run dogs long enough, you’re going to encounter a skunk. If you haven’t, well, let me prepare you: A close-range blast is far worse than you could ever imagine. And, unfortunately, most of the so-called remedies don’t work a lick. I don’t know how tomato paste came to be so widely recommended. After it’s applied, your dog smells as bad as ever. And now he’s covered in sauce.
However, in a YouTube clip posted by SportDOG Brand e-collars, professional retriever trainer Tom Dokken offers an easy, effective remedy for skunked dogs.
The recipe is simple:
• 1 gallon water
• 16 ounces hydrogen peroxide
• Half cup baking soda
• Squirt of liquid dish soap
Then all you have to do is mix it up, lather your dog with the solution, let it sit 15 minutes, and rinse. Sounds to me like a winner. I dread the day when I have the opportunity to test it, but I will be keeping the formula handy.
As Dokken notes in the video, the simplicity of it is really convenient.
“Here’s the neat part: You can find all of this stuff at the local grocery store,” Dokken explains. “Now how good is that when you travel?”