"American Rifleman TV" began its latest season on, Wed., July 2. The program, which airs on Wednesday evenings, is hosted by the Outdoor Channel. In the season's first episode, the American Rifleman crew traveled to S.A.A.M. Safari course in Barksdale, Texas, for long-range precision training.
Reruns of the episode can be caught on the Outdoor Channel, and previews of the remainder of the season's episodes can be found here.
About ARTV
American Rifleman TV, on air since 2003, is the on-screen version of the National Rifle Association's American Rifleman magazine, "the world's oldest and largest firearm authority." American Rifleman Television is the pre-eminent source for accurate, compelling, authoritative information on all aspects of firearms, the shooting sports and all Americans' exercise of the Second Amendment. "ARTV is part of the larger American Rifleman brand," said Editor-in-Chief Mark A. Keefe IV. "It's a show about guns- we teach the history of them and the people who use them." Keefe said the show also digs into the technical details, providing in-depth and accurate gun tests like no one else. To see a preview of the 2014 season, click here.
Rifleman Feature
Each episode of ARTV is built around one feature segment, in which ARTV staffers span the country to cover the firearm industry like no one else-whether going behind the scenes to see how guns and gear are made, on the firing lines of the nation's top shooting competitions, or using the latest in tactical, defensive or sporting techniques as practiced by America's elite trainers and competitors. Add in American Rifleman's signature historic coverage of classic guns, people and events, and you have the most complete firearm show on television-you'll get it all only on ARTV.
Rifleman Review
Just as generations of NRA members have come to rely on the magazine's "Dope Bag: Data & Comment" section for the objective, unvarnished truth and detailed descriptions of new firearms, so, too, do the show's "Rifleman Reviews" cover new rifles, shotguns, handguns and other shooting equipment. Evaluations are made using the same technical criteria used in the "Dope Bag," including how the guns operate, their features and their context. Even a specification table is included.
I Have This Old Gun ...
In the show's closing segment, National Firearms Museum curators uncover some of the more interesting treasures-from the common to the extremely rare-ensconced within NRA's National Firearms Museum and private collections. There, a team of experts describe the background and history for each model and provide an approximate value for individual guns brought before the panel. "I Have This Old Gun ..." will leave you planning your own visit to the National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Va., and the new NRA National Sporting Arms Museum at Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, Mo., and their impressive collections of arms.
For more information, go to AmericanRifleman.org.