There was a time when buckshot was used for hunting deer, and while there still may be some applications for it in the deer woods, modern uses for buckshot are pretty well regulated to defensive use, or in the hunting fields it still makes a great choice for coyotes, foxes and feral hogs at closer ranges.
The varying sizes of buckshot have their fan base; size 00 buck has long been a favorite for law enforcement and home defense, and works very well for those aforementioned species. The 2¾-inch, 12-gauge 00 buck shotshells will usually hold eight to nine pellets, where the same shotshell in No. 4 buck will stack 21 or so pellets; the former are .33-caliber and weigh just about 54 grains, with the former coming in at .24-caliber and weighing just under 21 grains. Sitting right in the middle—and one of my favorite buckshot sizes—is No. 1 buck, and for 2023, Federal has extended their Premium Buckshot line of ammunition to include a load of buffered, copper-plated No. 1 buck.
With 16 pellets leaving the muzzle at 1325 fps, the Federal Premium Buckshot No. 1 buck ammo splits the difference between the two, giving a great blend of pattern density and striking energy. Testing has shown copper-plated shot will offer between 15 and 18 inches of penetration in ballistic gelatin, and the buffering in the shot column will help keep the shot as concentric as possible, which leads to consistent patterns. If you like hunting coyotes and foxes in the thicker patches of woods, give Federal’s new No. 1 a try; buckshot really shines when taking running shots on predators and hogs. Sold in packages of five shotshells ($15.99).
For more information, visit federalpremium.com.