A freshman at Oklahoma State University, Guner is an Oklahoma native, and was hunting a plot of family-owned land in Pawnee County. He and his relatives had been tracking this particular deer for a couple years, knowing he would turn into a quality buck, but his world-class status in real life was a surprise, even for them. “I didn’t think it was gonna be that big a difference,” Guner said. “The pictures don’t even come close to doing it justice.”
The big 8x8 first came into view 40 yards from the young man, but trotted off soon after. It didn't take him long to come back however, pushing some younger bucks around, this time to within 25 yards. As soon as he turned broadside, Guner released the perfect shot.
An official scorer measured Guner's buck at a gross green score of 209 4/8 inches, though the net score will of course be lower, particularly after the drying period. The story is gaining national attention, however, because not only is the current state record for a typical whitetail is 194 0/8 inches (net), the national record for the largest typical whitetail taken with a bow is 204 4/8. Guner thus has a chance not just at statewide renown, but at national recognition as well.
Guner himself is somewhat perplexed by the fanfare, as for him, hunting is mostly about conservation and food. “We eat everything we kill. We don’t waste anything,” he said. “What’s the point of hunting if you’re not gonna take everything? And it also keeps the flow of conservation going in the area.”
For more developments on the story, check newson6.com, the Tulsa area's local news outlet.
Additional Reading:
How to Field Judge a Whitetail Buck
New World-Record Non-Typical Mule Deer Confirmed by Pope and Young Club
South Dakota Bighorn Sheep Confirmed New World Record
B&C and P&Y Announce New Potential World-Record Non-Typical Whitetail
Poached Deer is Potential Florida State Record
New World-Record Alaskan Brown Bear Confirmed by Pope and Young Club