The national Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) is far more than meets the eye. At first glance, it may only seem like another shooting competition, but when observed in context, it showcases the wide array of firearm proficiency, skills and knowledge that the competition's young men and women have obtained over the course of months of practice in preparation for the event and—more importantly—the safety that we should all practice while afield. You can get a closer look at the event with the photo gallery embedded above.
The National 4-H Shooting Sports program has joined the +ONE Movement, a national mentorship initiative led by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) that encourages peer-to-peer mentorship in the hunting and shooting sports.
On this week's #SunsdayGunday, we take a look at the Wilson Combat NULA Model 20. A descendant of the New Ultralight Arms rifles designed by Melvin Forbes, the Model 20 carries on Melvin's legacy of lightweight accuracy in a way only Wilson Combat can. For more information, check out this exclusive video.