Pope and Young Announces Two New World Records

posted on August 2, 2024
LEDE Pope & Young Whitetail Shot

Pope and Young announced a pair of new world records for whitetail deer on July 16, raising the bar in its Typical Whitetail Deer in Velvet and Non-Typical Whitetail Deer in Velvet listings. The organization convened a special panel to score the bucks during a Measurers Workshop in Regina, Saskatchewan, on June 15. Both were verified as new world records in their respective categories.

Typical whitetail Pope & Young Record

Jack McNaughton shot his typical whitetail in velvet near the Smokey River in Alberta, Canada, on Aug. 31, 2013. His buck has a verified final score of 182 4/8 inches, topping the charts. 
“Jack’s buck is one of the most incredible whitetails I have ever seen,” said Tim Rozewski, Pope and Young director of records. “The velvet was still in immaculate condition, and the symmetry of this buck is impressive to say the least.”

Non-typical whitetail record
Dallas Heinrichs shot his giant non-typical whitetail in velvet near Hillmond, Saskatchewan, on Sept. 3, 2012. Heinrichs’ buck has a verified final score of 271 0/8 inches, eclipsing the previous highwater mark by more than 22 inches. 
“You simply can’t keep from staring at this buck for a long time,” Rozewski said. “Along with being incredible to look at, there are so many measuring rules that apply to this buck that make it a real treat to measure. Any trophy in velvet is a challenging task to measure, let alone one with 29 scoreable points. Pope & Young didn’t start ranking velvet categories and recognizing velvet world records until 2020. These two bucks were taken 11 and 12 years ago respectively. I was impressed that the hunters had the patience and determination to get their great bucks recognized after so long.”

Pope and Young—one of the nation’s leading bowhunting conservation organizations—was founded in 1961 and is headquartered in Chatfield, Minn. It also maintains an online listing of world records. 


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