I don’t know about you, but this has been one of the longest, coldest winters I remember. I haven’t had even a few nice days to go out and shoot my bow, but with spring around the corner it’s time to make sure we’re all geared up for the outdoor shooting season.
I’m sure many of you did at least some shooting indoors over the past few months, but for those who didn’t, it’s time to dust off that 3-D/hunting bow. While not much goes wrong with today’s bows while they’re hanging on the wall all winter, it’s always a good idea to give your bow a once over and at least put a little wax on the string.
Now it’s time for arrow inventory. If you’re like me, you do a lot of stump shooting during the bow season and sometimes even get lucky enough to take a few shots at game so by season’s end your hunting arrow supply is often limited. This is the perfect time to get those new arrows ordered and fletched.
Next look over your target. If you stored it in a shop or garage all winter to protect it from the sun and the weather—and you didn’t beat it up too bad last fall—you’re probably good to go. Of course, if you’re like a couple of my friends who left their targets outside, you’ll want to check on it. Test it out by launching a few of your old arrows to make sure you're not going to end up tearing the flethcings off your new ones. If your target isn’t in good shape to get you through another season, there is still some cold weather ahead so get a new target now so you’re ready to shoot as soon as the weather breaks.