I just bought my first Holland & Holland at the SCI show—for under $500! Now is when I confess that mine is a lovely Holland & Holland scarf made of Italian silk and with hand-tied fringe. Oh, you thought I meant a H&H shotgun?
Attending the SCI show is so much fun! While some things are certainly out of my price range—like Holland & Holland shotguns or hunts for Alaska Yukon moose and the African bongo—you'll find some great deals if you look hard enough on everything from hunting trips and wildlife-themed home furnishings to apparel and jewelry. And the shopping is half the fun.
And then there's the mingling with other hunters. I just attended the SCI Foundation Education Sables annual luncheon and auction. Though I didn't buy anything, it was just fun to network and share stories with new friends.
As for all the amazing wildlife art here, I wish you could see it firsthand. I'm on my way to visit artist John Seery-Lester's booth because not only is he doing a live painting demonstration, he's giving away free raffle tickets for a drawing for his artwork tomorrow. First prize is a print valued at $1,800, though second prize isn't bad either considering it's a print valued at $1,400. With 20,000 hunters in attendance, I doubt I'll win, but you never know!
As for my Holland & Holland scarf, the pheasants and Labs along with the fringe in lovely outdoor colors certainly make it unique. Maybe one day I'll afford the shotgun to go with it!