Tactical Solutions (TacSol) has unveiled a new integrally suppressed takedown rifle—at press time, the the only integrally suppressed manufacturer with a muzzle-end front sight. Chambered in .22 Long Rifle, the X-Ring Takedown TSS features a Takedown TSS barrel, a Takedown VR receiver, and TacSol's own suppressor technology. Weighing in at just 3.9 lbs., the takedown TSS is perfect for backpacking, or taking on varmints. An extended magazine release, fiber-optic sights, an ambidextrous charging handle and a Magpul X-22 Backpacker Stock also combine to make shooting the diminutive rimfire an ergonomically efficient experience. If the addition of an optic is desired a stretch of Picatinny rail rides overtop the rifle's receiver in the conventional position. For more information, please visit tacticalsol.com. MSRP: $1,465
The National 4-H Shooting Sports program has joined the +ONE Movement, a national mentorship initiative led by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) that encourages peer-to-peer mentorship in the hunting and shooting sports.
On this week's #SunsdayGunday, we take a look at the Wilson Combat NULA Model 20. A descendant of the New Ultralight Arms rifles designed by Melvin Forbes, the Model 20 carries on Melvin's legacy of lightweight accuracy in a way only Wilson Combat can. For more information, check out this exclusive video.