Silencer Central applauds the official position on suppressors from the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS/F). The position supports the use of suppressors as vital hearing-protection equipment for shooters.
“We’ve been shouting from the rooftops for years about the benefits of suppressors as hearing protection devices,” said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central CEO. “Having a major medical organization endorse the use of suppressors as an effective form of hearing protection reinforces our position that suppressors enhance the enjoyment of the shooting sports and make it safer for everyone involved.”
The official position of the AAO-HNS/F, which was issued in November 2024, is pretty straightforward. From the AAO-HNS/F website:
“The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery endorses the use of firearm suppressors as an effective method of reducing the risk of hearing loss, especially when used in conjunction with conventional hearing protective measures.”
The amount of damage to hearing is avoidable.
“Noise-induced hearing loss is an issue that affects everyone at some point,” said Dr. Tate Maddox, an Otolaryngologist with Advent Health in North Carolina. “Hunting and the shooting sports can expose your ears to sounds well above the decibel level that causes loss, either on a permanent or temporary basis. Anything that reduces the effects of noise-induced hearing loss is a good thing.”
To connect with Silencer Central, which has technical staff waiting to answer any questions about suppressor technology and hearing protection benefits, visit silencercentral.com.