#SundayGunday: Taurus Raging Hunter in .460 S&W
Support NRA American Hunter
This week, we’re taking a closer look at the Taurus Raging Hunter, an affordable big-bore revolver now chambered in 460 Smith & Wesson Magnum. The revolver is based around a dual-lockup cylinder set inside a stainless steel frame, with the consumer's choice of 5.1- or 8.375-inch barrel. A cushioned black grip helps absorb the recoil from the gun's hefty chambering. For more information on this stout six-gun, check out the video embedded above, hosted by Editor in Chief Scott Olmsted and Digital Associate Editor David Herman. MSRP: $928-$983; taurususa.com.
For more #SundayGunday, check out our playlist on YouTube, where all previous episodes are archived.