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#SundayGunday: Winchester XPR TrueTimber Strata
Support NRA American Hunter
This week we're taking closer look at the XPR TrueTimber Strata, from Winchester Repeating Arms. A more economical alternative to the company's Model 70, Winchester nonetheless calls it "a step forward in design and manufacturing." It sports a steel receiver drilled and tapped for scope mounts, an MOA trigger system, and a nickel-Teflon coated bolt. For more on this high-performance hunting rifle, check out the video embedded above, hosted by Editor in Chief Scott Olmsted, and Digital Associate Editor David Herman. MSRP: $599;
For more #SundayGunday, check out our playlist on YouTube, where all previous episodes are archived.
For more #SundayGunday, check out our playlist on YouTube, where all previous episodes are archived.