Photo Courtesy of TWRA
Two Tennessee men have lost their hunting privileges, both locally and throughout much of the United States, for the remainder of their lives after being found guilty of killing more than 40 whitetail deer out of season.
Eddy Albert, 21, and Densibel Calzada, 23, both residents of La Vergne, Tenn., entered guilty pleas on Feb. 3. Alongside the lifetime Tennessee hunting ban—which immediately becomes effective in more than 40 other states, courtesy of the Interstate Violators Compact—the duo was sentenced to pay $5,000 each in restitution and perform community service. Each offender also had a rifle and crossbow confiscated.
In an official release earlier this week, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency sergeant Matt Brian said that "Their actions were among the worst I have seen for their lack of respect to our landowners and to our wildlife. Most of our states now abide by what is called the Interstate Wildlife Violator’s Compact, which means a ban in Tennessee is upheld by every compact member."
According to the TWRA, charges brought against the two included hunting out of season, hunting without permission, illegal transportation of wildlife and failing to report to TWRA the deer they had killed. Among the evidence brought against Albert and Calzada was video from their cell phones that showed them celebrating their kills and posing for pictures with the dead deer. They were originally detained by local police after a midnight report of firearms discharged near the city airport.
It's probably fair to say that discharging firearms in the middle of the night, near an airport, and carrying evidence against oneself isn't the wisest approach when engaging in criminal activities. But then again, poachers very much do often catch themselves.
For more information, go to TN.Gov.