Bowhunters tend to be in agreement on at least three things when it comes to setting up ground blinds: Position them downwind from where we expect deer to appear; pay special attention to areas where deer trails intersect; and pinpoint any trails less traveled since they’re the ones bigger bucks often use. But when it comes to how much the blind needs to be hidden once it’s placed, opinions differ.
I know a lot of hunters who think they have to conceal their hunting blind with brush to hunt it effectively. While doing what you can to ensure it blends with its surroundings is a good move, I’ve found that if you place the blind in advance—just like we do with our treestands—mature bucks will walk right up to it relaxed, even if it’s in a more open setting. And the fact the rut is right around the corner makes it even better as bucks will have other things on their minds.
Remember that especially if you’re hunting places such as farm country, deer are used to farmers and tractors. So if there aren’t any suitable trees in your hotspot, don’t be afraid to set up a ground blind. Check out options from companies like Primos, one of which is sitting in my deer woods as I type this. The durable, low-sheen blind with well-designed shooting windows offers quick and easy entry and a hassle-free setup. Or visit Cabela’s online, which has a big selection of ground blinds—and just about everything else you could ever need—all at your fingertips.